Removing A Termite-Infested Tree Without Scattering The Colony

It's never a pleasant surprise when you find a termite colony living inside an old tree on your property, particularly if it is standing close to your home. Your first inclination might be to burn the whole tree down and salt the earth around it, but a more measured approach often leads to better results. Because termite colonies extend into the roots and soil surrounding trees, a simple removal will not solve your problem and may even exacerbate it. In order to eradicate the termites and prevent them from spreading to your home or other trees, follow these four steps.

Understanding Your Termite Infestation

Termites typically only establish colonies in trees that are already dead or dying, preferring soft, rotting wood as both a food source and an environment for their colony. As the colony grows, it will expand and send out offshoots in random directions. Because of this behavior, as soon as you find termites on your property, you should begin a thorough inspection of the trees and buildings nearby to identify any additional colonies. Each new colony you discover will need to be removed following the same thorough procedures. 

Treating the Infestation Before Removal

If you remove the infested tree before destroying the colony, the disturbance will trigger an evacuation of the colony, sending the termites on a quest to establish a new home somewhere nearby. This does nothing to solve your problem, which is why you must treat the tree for termites beforehand. Unless you are familiar with safely and efficiently handling pesticides, it might be best to rely on the services of a pest control company for this part of the removal process. 

Removing the Tree and Colony

Once you have wiped out as much of the termite population as possible, you can begin planning to remove the tree in question. Termites are a sign that the tree is already dead or suffering from a serious disease, so it is better to take it down voluntarily before it collapses or the termite colony recovers. To completely remove the colony, the tree must be entirely uprooted; consider hiring tree removal specialists to ensure that the root system is destroyed as well. 

Watching for Future Signs of Termite Colonies

Even if you follow each step carefully and take every measure to guarantee that the termites are eliminated, they may still recover and begin a new colony somewhere else on your property. To prevent this, use this opportunity to clear any other dead or unhealthy trees nearby, depriving termites of their favorite potential colony locations. Similarly, keep woodpiles and deep mulch away from buildings on your property; these environments can give termites an easy path into your walls and foundation. With a little luck and a quick response, you should be able to contain your termite problem without it turning into a major headache. 

For tree removal, contact a business such as Chudy Tree Care.
